1600°C Multiprocess monochamber/multichamber furnace

1600°C Multiprocess monochamber/multichamber furnace

Discover our 1600°C Multiprocess monochamber/multichamber furnace. Our engineering expertise in heating, atmosphere management, vacuum management, mechanical transfers, automation and regulation enables us to provide you with a solution that is perfectly adapted to your needs.
We adapt to your expectations by providing you with numerous solutions for research laboratories or industrial production.

All our equipment is CE compliant and is manufactured with materials that comply with current legislation.



Caractéristiques (Fr) Specifications (Eng)

Type de four

Type of furnace

Four étanche – Atmosphère propre

Sealed furnace – Clean atmosphere

Compatibilité Salle blanche

Clean Room Compatibility



Atmosphère de travail



Atmosphère contrôlé


*selon température et chambre process


Controlled atmosphere


*depending on temperature and process chamber

Température Maximale

Maximum temperature

Jusqu’à 1600°C
Up to 1600°C

Températures maximales selon chambre process

Maximum temperatures by process chamber

950 – 1100 – 1280 – 1600

950 – 1100 – 1280 – 1600

Homogénéité Thermique

Thermal homogeneity




Type d’élément chauffant

Heating element type

métallique, céramique
metallic, ceramic


Ø tube laboratoire

Ø laboratory tube

50 à 300 mm
50 to 300 mm

Tailles de tube laboratoire en mm

Laboratory tube sizes in mm

150 – 200 – 250 – 300

150 – 200 – 250 – 300

Longueur zone homogène

Length homogeneous zone

500 – 750 – 1000
500 – 750 – 1000

Tube laboratoire*

Laboratory tube*


*sous réserve compatibilité matériaux, gaz, température

*subject to material, gas and temperature compatibility

métallique, quartz, SiC ou céramique

metallic, quartz, SiC or ceramic



pression atmosphérique

régulation de pression < à la pression atmosphérique


atmospheric pressure

pressure regulation < atmospheric pressure


Type de vide

Vacuum level

Primaire, secondaire, ultra-vide

Medium, high and ultra-high

Taux de fuite

Leakage rate

1 10-8 mbar.l/s

1 10-8 mbar.l/s



Brasage, dégazage, scellement verre/métal, polymérisation, pyrolyse, recuit…

Brazing, degassing, glass/metal sealing, polymerization,rapid thermal process…

Chargement manuel

Manual loading

porte à charnière ou porte sur glissière

hinged or sliding door

Ergonomie du poste de chargement

Loading station ergonomics

Excellente (à l’extérieur de la chambre process)

Excellent (outside the process chamber)

Régulateur programmateur classe 0.1

Programmable controller class 0.1
Caractéristiques (Fr) Specifications (Eng)

Autres options

Régulation point de rosée 

Dry or wet gas: dew point control

Vide primaire ou secondaire

Medium or High vacuum

Gaz process : oxydant, neutre, hydrogéné, autres selon besoin
Process gas: oxidizing, neutral, hydrogenated, further gas as needed

The group


We are able to offer our clients an end-to-end approach thanks to our technical skills and the experience of our teams.

A 360° value proposition in thermal equipment for research laboratories and industry


Standard equipment solutions for laboratories and industry


A unique and advanced technological solution dedicated to the oxidation phase involved in the manufacture of VCSELs


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