Multi-process horizontal universal tubular furnace

Multi-process horizontal universal tubular furnace

From: €14,600


This universal tube furnace set itself apart for its incomparable reliability, temperature homogeneity, ease of use and maintenance compared to existing market solutions. It is aimed to support very demanding research teams who want high-performances, reliability level compatible with long-term hot mechanical tests; quality and robustness of built make it a furnace that will last for long with low maintenance and easy to operate.


Caractéristiques (Fr) Specifications (Eng)

1700°C Temp max / Thermocouple Type B

1700°C Max Temp / Type B Thermocouple

1 ou 3 zones de chauffe

1 or 3 heating zones

50-85mm de diamètre utile interne

50-85mm internal useful diameter

Puissance max : 4kW en monophasé, 8kW en triphasé

Max power: 4kW single-phase, 8kW three-phases

Options gaz : jusqu’à 3 lignes de gaz neutres (air, azote, argon, hélium)

Gas options: up to 3 neutral gas lines (air, nitrogen, argon, helium)
option for other gases (H2)

Options vide : primaire, secondaire

Vaccum options: primary, secondary vacuum

Homogénéité thermique ±5°C

Thermal homogeneity ±5°C

Monozone ou trizones (option TC d’instrumentation étanche)

Thermocouple options for best instrumentation furnace and load

Ecrans thermiques adaptés aux besoins process

Thermal screens adapted to process needs

Interface IHM : écran tactile couleur de 7 pouces

HMI interface: 7-inch color touchscreen (5’’ for small units)

USB en façade pour fichier CSV, connexion wifi ou Ethernet

USB front panel for CSV file, wifi or Ethernet connection

Support vertical disponible

Vertical stand available

A modular furnace

This multi-process tube furnace has been designed with the maximum modularity to be used horizontal or vertical. Thanks to the addition of a process tube adapted to your needs (depending on temperatures, atmospheres and loads), this furnace comes in different versions.

A performant regulation system

Allowing a customization to your needs, optimal integration, and scalability if your needs or your technical teams evolved.

A color touchscreen 7 inch panel

This HMI ensures the complete management of your equipment. It offers user-friendliness, setting, data acquisition, archiving process are made easy for you.

The group


We are able to offer our clients an end-to-end approach thanks to our technical skills and the experience of our teams.

A 360° value proposition in thermal equipment for research laboratories and industry


Standard equipment solutions for laboratories and industry


A unique and advanced technological solution dedicated to the oxidation phase involved in the manufacture of VCSELs


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